The documentary Shift Change, produced by Melissa Young with Mark Dworkin and Moving Images, highlights the Mondragón cooperatives in Spain’s Basque Country, as well as a number of U.S. cooperatives. A recent review points out how the film also shows that operating a successful worker-owned co-op is not always simple. Shift Change, this review notes, presents worker-owned co-op as an attractive, alternative business model — especially in countries hit hard by the global economic crisis— while honestly portraying the challenges of sustaining a successful enterprise.
This manual by Minsun Ji of El Centro Humanitario and Tony Robinson of the University of Colorado, Denver, intended for workers (especially immigrant workers) and their advocates, provides detailed information about how to create, finance, manage, and grow worker cooperatives.
This preliminary census gathers basic contact information, industry and sector information, and also attempts to gather data on size and longevity of existing worker cooperatives in the United States.
Cultivate.Coop is as an online hub for pooling knowledge and resources on cooperatives. It provides a free forum for those interested in cooperatives and serves as a place where people can build educational tools for the co-op community.
The Data Commons Project is a collaborative effort among a diverse array of organizations in the U.S. and Canada who share a mission of building and supporting the development of a cooperative economy. The group aims to develop an accurate, comprehensive, public database of cooperative economic initiatives in North America.
The documentary Shift Change, produced by Melissa Young with Mark Dworkin and Moving Images, highlights the Mondragón cooperatives in Spain’s Basque Country, as well as a number of U.S. cooperatives. A recent review points out how the film also shows that operating a successful worker-owned co-op is not always simple. Shift Change, this review notes, presents worker-owned co-op as an attractive, alternative business model — especially in countries hit hard by the global economic crisis— while honestly portraying the challenges of sustaining a successful enterprise.
This manual by Minsun Ji of El Centro Humanitario and Tony Robinson of the University of Colorado, Denver, intended for workers (especially immigrant workers) and their advocates, provides detailed information about how to create, finance, manage, and grow worker cooperatives.
This preliminary census gathers basic contact information, industry and sector information, and also attempts to gather data on size and longevity of existing worker cooperatives in the United States.
Cultivate.Coop is as an online hub for pooling knowledge and resources on cooperatives. It provides a free forum for those interested in cooperatives and serves as a place where people can build educational tools for the co-op community.
The Data Commons Project is a collaborative effort among a diverse array of organizations in the U.S. and Canada who share a mission of building and supporting the development of a cooperative economy. The group aims to develop an accurate, comprehensive, public database of cooperative economic initiatives in North America.