and companion research report The Indicators Measuring Community Impact Take Action Policy Briefs
Anchor institutions are enterprises such as universities and hospitals that are rooted in their local communities by mission, invested capital, or relationships to customers, employees, and vendors. As place-based entities that control vast economic, human, intellectual, and institutional resources, anchor institutions have the potential to bring crucial, and measurable, benefits to local children, families, and communities. All told, U.S. hospitals and universities combined spend over $1 trillion a year, have endowments in excess of $500 billion, and employ 8 percent of the labor force.
Many anchor institutions regularly report on community programming and activities. Some go even further and seek to pursue an anchor mission—making a commitment to consciously apply their long-term, place-based economic power, in combination with their human and intellectual resources, to better the long-term welfare of the communities in which they are anchored. Yet, to date, few tools exist to help institutions reflect and assess broadly the long-term impact of their anchor-mission activities, and particularly their impact on low-income communities.
This Democracy Collaborative paper and report proposes a set of indicators to begin to fill this gap. Developed through extensive research and in-depth interviews conducted with more than 75 leaders of anchor institutions, national nonprofit organizations, federal agencies, and community organizations, The Anchor Dashboard identifies twelve critical areas where anchor institutions can play an effective role. Additionally, it develops illustrative indicators that: 1) provide a baseline to assess conditions in the community; and 2) evaluate institutional effort—e.g., dollars spent, procurement shifted, people hired, policies and accountability procedures in place.
Our hope is that The Anchor Dashboard will be a valuable mechanism to help the field more clearly focus on what it means for a hospital or university to pursue an anchor institution mission. By outlining best practices in economic development, community building, education, health, safety, and the environment, along with potential mechanisms to track progress using already available data, we intend that this publication move the conversation from “programs” to “institutional impact”—and, especially, on how anchor institutions can conduct themselves to deliver crucial, and measurable, benefits for low-income children, families, and communities.
News and updates
11/18: Presentation of the Anchor Dashboard at the Department of Housing and Urban Development | ![]() Report Proposes Ways to Measure Colleges' Impact on Communities | ![]() A Guide for Your Local Eds and Meds to Become Better Neighbors |
![]() Measuring the Impact of Anchor Institutions in Building More Sustainable Communities | ![]() Assessing Impact at Anchor Institutions | ![]() Can Anchor Institutions Do More for their Neighborhoods? |
![]() Imagining an Anchor Dashboard implementation | Redefining "Rust Belt"In a four-city videoconference organized by the regional Federal Reserve Banks of Baltimore, Cleveland, Detroit and Philadelphia, Ted Howard explained how the Anchor Dashboard can play a key role as older industrial cities look for equitable and effective strategies for community revitalization. Based on an edited version of his presentation, this video provides a succinct introduction to the basic principles behind the Anchor Dashboard. View it now | Ted Howard at the Municipal Arts Society SummitFraming the conversation around the themes of the Anchor Dashboard, Democracy Collaborative Executive Director Ted Howard was invited to moderate this discussion on the role of anchor insitutions at the Municipal Art Society's annual gathering. The panelists included Donald Hyslop, Head of Regeneration and Community Partnerships, at the Tate Modern, Dr. Anthony W. Marx, President and CEO, The New York Public Library, and Jennifer Raab, President, Hunter College, City University of New York. Watch the discussion |
![]() Roosevelt Institute Campus Network: Rethinking CommunitiesOn January 13, 2014, the Roosevelt Institute Campus Network announced an intiative where student leaders on 21 campuses across the country will use The Anchor Dashboard to evaluate and rank their educational institution's commitment to positive community impact. Learn more | ![]() How Communities Can Make the Most of Their Anchor InstitutionsIn his guest column for Governing, Ted Howard makes the case for anchor engagement in low-income communities, targeted at measurable outcomes and results. Read the article | ![]() Connecting CommunitiesBuilding on the "Redefining Rustbelt" event, Ted Howard presented the Anchor Dashboard to a national audioconference organized by the Federal Reserve System. Listen to the presentation |
![]() Forefront: New Ideas on Economic Policy from the Cleveland FedThe policy magazine of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland highlights the The Anchor Dashboard as a promising strategy to guide anchor-driven community development in "Rustbelt" cities. Read the article |
The Indicators: Measuring Community Impact
Since publication a group of universities came together to form the anchor dashboard learning cohort. Over the following year working with the Democracy Collaborative, they developed this modified framework. The anchor dashboard remains a living document. The institutions are currently collecting data and expect to further refine the instrument based on what is being learned through this data collection process.
The dashboard below is distilled from the extensive research and in-depth interviews in our report. It explains, for each sector, how an anchor institution's progress toward strategic community development goals can be measured through key indicators.
- Economic Development
- equitable local & minority hiring
- Percent of local and minority hires in staff positions
- Percent employed at living wage or above
- equitable local & minority business procurement
- Percent of procurement dollars directed to local, minority-owned, and woman-owned businesses
- vibrant arts & cultural development
- Dollars spent on arts and culture-based economic development
- Number of arts and cultural jobs and businesses created and retained
- local and minority business incubation
- Jobs and businesses created and retained (1 year, 5 years)
- Percent of incubated businesses serving low-income and minority populations
- Dollars directed toward seed funding for community-owned business
- affordable housing
- Dollars invested in creating affordable housing
- Dollars invested in community land trusts
- Percent of households below 200 percent of poverty line that spend <30 percent of income on housing
- sound community investment
- Percent of endowment and operating dollars directed toward community impact investments (e.g., support of community development financial institutions
- equitable local & minority hiring
- Community Building
- strong community capacity and democratic leadership development
- Existence of partnership center or community advisory board
- Positive feedback from survey of service-learning/ capstone partners
- Civic health index rating
- financially secure families
- Percent of households in asset poverty
- Dollars spent on community financial education
- Dollars and human resources directed to income tax filing assistance
- strong community capacity and democratic leadership development
- Education
- educated youth
- High school graduation rate
- Percent of students advancing to college or apprenticeship programs
- Math and reading proficiency
- educated youth
- Health, Safety, and Environment
- healthy community residents
- Dollars spent on public health initiatives (e.g., clinics)
- Number of grocery stores per zip code
- safe streets and campuses
- Dollars spent on streetscape improvements
- Rates of violent crime
- Rates of property crime
- healthy environment
- Percent reduction of carbon emissions
- STARS index rating
- Greenhealth index rating
- healthy community residents