
Our monthly email newsletter provides an essential overview of the latest news and state of the art developments in community wealth building. Check out the archives below.

February 2019

This month's developments include:

  • We share the latest edition of the Metropolitan Universities Journal, published by the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities and guest edited by The Democracy Collaborative’s Manager of Higher Education Emily Sladek, focused on the Transformative Power of Anchor Institutions.
  • Research Intern Marie Therese Kane authored a blog post on the opportunity to connect student fossil fuel divestment campaigns to community investment strategies
  • We release a new entry in the "Elements of the Democratic Economy" series on Worker Cooperatives, and a new policy proposal for the creation of a Community Ownership of Power Administration

January 2019

This month's developments include:

  • We share developments related to employee and community ownership, including an op-ed from Executive Vice President Marjorie Kelly in Fast Company, an article on the role of regional cooperative bankds from Research Fellow and Founder of the Real Economy Lab Jules Peck, and developments from our work with anchor institutions 
  • We release a new installment of our CW City series: San Diego, California

December 2018

This month's developments include:

November 2018

This month's developments include:

  • We release the latest publication in our Community Wealth Innovators Series, An Indigenous Approach to Community Wealth Buildingauthored by Stephanie Gutierrez, co-founder of Hope Nation LLC.
  • We celebrate the launch of the Fund for Employee Ownership, a groundbreaking new investment strategy launched by the Evergreen Cooperative Corporation to expand the reach of employee ownership throughout Cleveland and Northeast Ohio 
  • The Next System Project recently released a new paper on the Community Reinvestment Act, providing a historical analysis of the legislation and a framework for a next system of community reinvestment.

October 2018

This month's developments include:

  • We share developments from The World Transformed (TWT) in Liverpool, England and share some of The Democracy Collaborative's writing on the Labour Party's bold agenda around democratic ownership
  • We highlight our Elements of the Democratic Economy series and our Anchor Collaborative Webinar series

September 2018

This month's developments include:

  • We release a new report Community Control of Land & Housing,  as well as a new series, "Elements of the Democratic Economy"
  • The Next System Project published a new report Taking Climate Action to the Next Level, which outlines a bold climate agenda including quantitative easing for the planet, public ownership for energy democracy, and anchor strategies for the energy transition.
  • We celebrate the passage of the Main Street Employee Ownership Act, the first law in support of expanding employee ownership to pass Congress since 1997. 

August 2018

This month's developments include:

  • We highlight the latest issue of Renewal which features the growing transatlantic dialouge on community wealth building
  • We share recent developments around further building a transatlantic learning and action network between our organization and like-minded colleagues in Europe, and recent press pieces highlighting some of this work 
  • We share a report back from our Anchor Collaborative Convening 

July 2018

This month's developments include:

  • We welcome Ronnie Galvin as The Democracy Collaborative's Vice President of Engaged Practice
  • We co-hosted the the inaugural convening of the Higher Education Anchor Mission Initiative with  the Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities
  • The Next System Project released a new report, authored by Research Director Thomas Hanna, on preparing a policy for public ownership rather than bailouts the next time there is a financial crisis
  • We co-produced a new documentary video with the Laura Flanders Show that provides an in-depth look at the community wealth movement underway in Preston and elsewhere in England

June 2018

This month's developments include:

  • The Democracy Collaborative convened two powerful gatherings of leaders who are working to leverage anchor institution resources to catalyze inclusive, economic development: the inaugural Anchor Collaborative Convening and the two-year old Healthcare Anchor Network’s bi-annual gathering
  • We release the latest installment in our Community Wealth Innovator series,  "Embracing an Anchor Mission: ProMedica's All-In Strategy"
  • Fifty by Fifty launched a new series on the intersections of employee ownership and environmental sustainability

May 2018

This month's developments include:

  • We announce the expansion of Evergreen Cooperative Laundry (ECL), one of the worker-owned enterprises that is part of the Evergreen Cooperatives
  • We welcome Matthew Brown—one of the pioneering voices advancing the Preston Model in England—to The Democracy Collaborative as a Senior Fellow for the Promotion of Community Wealth Building
  • We release the latest in our CW City Series: Birmingham, Alabama