Dowson analyzes the shortcomings of a universal basic income (UBI) and examines how provision of universal basic services (UBS) would fill those gaps. Thomas Hanna explains the situation in the U.S:
‘We have a quite robust movement to have a public broadband system,’ says Thomas Hanna, research director at The Democracy Collaborative in Washington DC. In fact, dozens of US cities already provide public broadband (and electricity) but, in the face of heavy lobbying, are banned from providing this at less than cost price.
Preston becomes a model for the country, McDonnell declares, after following the Cleveland Model in attempts to contain local spending within the community.
Martin O'Neill and Joe Guinan interview Zitto Kabwe, a political opposition leader in Tanzania who has committed to bringing the corruption of the government to light despite the repression he faces. See Part II of the interview, as well.
Preston used the Cleveland and Mondragon models, specifically with respect to their use of anchor institutions, to successfully advance worker-ownership and community wealth building in the city.
With a new push for more radical ideas and economic restructuring, Preston, England council leader Matthew Brown has used the Cleveland and Mondragon models to inform his pursuit of local, equitable economics in Preston.
When health care systems invest in the provision of social determinants of health, including affordable housing and walkable neighborhoods, they produce long-term returns by way of better health and lower health care costs. The Democracy Collaborative's Healthcare Anchor Network aims to help healthcare groups understand how best to use their assets at the benefit of the community.
Berkeley and the greater Bay Area demonstrate growing support for worker cooperatives.
A report by the Democracy Collaborative, a national organization promoting worker cooperatives, cites studies finding that worker-owned businesses had higher productivity and efficiency and lower worker turnover than conventional businesses, and were only one-third as likely to fail.
As more cooperatives crop up post-Great Recession, people are beginning to understand their viability and promise. Instead of allowing small local businesses to close their doors upon retirement of owners, organizations such as Evergreen Cooperatives are working to help these businesses convert to cooperatives.
The Green New Deal would address climate issues and simultaneously attempt to resolve systematic economic inequality. While politicians are necessary for the change, the final word should not be left to them. "Let’s encourage politicians to champion a just transition to a better future, but let’s not leave it all up to them. To build an economy that is appropriate for life on a finite planet, we need to listen to the young climate strikers and implement their rallying cry," Sarah McKinley writes.
After a brief overview of economic history in the United States, Thomas Hanna asserts how the public ownership model offers a more equal and secure economic future for the country.
In a report with the Communications Worker Union and the Democracy Collaborative, authors Laurie Macfarlane and Christine Berry outline a comprehensive overhaul of the UK banking system that would prioritize public interest as well as go beyond expectations to address climate issues.
Many of the proposals to help curb climate change fail to address the long incentivization of fossil fuel extraction. Incentives should be moved toward production and use of renewables if any valuable change is to happen.