Terra Nostra Press is an imprint of the Center for Community Land Trust Innovation, publishing books and monographs about community land trusts and similar strategies of community-led development on community-owned land in countries throughout the world. Read more about Terra Nostra Press...
A Community Land Trust Bibliography, selected and compiled by John Emmeus Davis and published by the Center for Community Land Trust Innovation. This selection of books, articles, and films about community land trusts is updated four times a year.
The Center for Community Land Trust Innovation is a not-for-profit nongovernmental organization established in 2018 to promote and to support community land trusts and similar strategies of community-led development on community-owned land in countries throughout the world.Read more about Center for Community Land Trust Innovation ...
Many anchor institutions are also major landowners in their communities, and many are already engaged in housing programs such as employer-assisted housing. Anchor institutions can and should employ CLTs to maximize the impact of their long-term investments in housing for their workforce, and utilize and support CLTs to help build more inclusive communities around their institutions more generally.
In the face of Microsoft's announcement of a large allocation for loans to help middle- and low-income families meet the costs of housing. People working in affordable housing across the country, including John Duda, have called attention to the fact that this is not a long-term solution.